Monday, May 29, 2006

New words

Nation's new words this week: ball, mommy(instead of momma), shhh, don't, and I believe he also said,"I miss my daddy!!"

Sister's Growing Up

Noelle started rolling over yesterday! Her Gi Gi Wright also discovered her first tooth (bottom left) cutting through. She is getting big SO quick.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Moments with Daddy!

Daddy and Noelle. Noelle has Dusty wrapped around her finger all ready. She melts his heart and soon enough will figure that out.

Nation and Daddy. Dusty and Nation are always playing. When Dusty walks in the door at night Nation wants nothing to do with me.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Family picture on Easter.
Noelle's first Easter.
Nation's first Easter egg hunt.

Pancacke Mix Fun

New words

Mama, dada, please, cheese, sissy,
papa, chelsey, oh no, oh man,
no no, eat, yes.......

A conversation with Nation !

Nation started talking about three weeks ago. Dusty and I were driving and Nation was in the back seat. He was putting together different sounds, and we could tell he was trying to say something. We heard a quiet muffled, "no." Dusty and I were trying to figure out if he meant to say it. Then clear as day and quite loudly Nation proclaimed, "Mama, No No." So the life of a talking toddler begins. This should be fun!

Nation Jack and Noelle Suelaine

Noelle is 4 months old now. She is beginning to laugh, hold toys, and flinch when Nation gets close. She is precious and always has a smile.

Nation is 17 months. He is adjusting to life with a sister, but has not yet mastered the art of being gentle. Nation is beginning to talk. His new favorite word is, "no no." Nation is a bundle of energy 24-7 and such a joy to have.

first post

first post